kunzite (kunzite1) wrote in component_help,

  • Mood:

what all them properties do...

this entry is intended to be a laundry list of all the junk you can play with using set commands. many of these are bound to not have the correct definitions and several of them i had no clue what they were... so... id like some help in getting this right.
# variables with options of strings as values
set background_position  = "center"; # background positioning [ [<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom] || [<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right] ]
set background_repeat    = "repeat"; # background repeating pattern [repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat] (both directions, horizontally, vertically, no tiling)
set background_scrolling = "scroll"; # background scrolling pattern [scroll | fixed]
set comp_state           = "right";  # component position [left | right]
set font_size            = "normal"; # font size [small | normal | large | larger | hulk]
set underline_links      = "hover";  # show underline for links (what are the options?)

# variables with user defined strings as values set font_family = "arial"; # font family used for text set lineheight = "22"; # lineheight in pixels set page_background_image = "http://www.livejournal.com/palimg/component/bg.gif"; # background image url set base_font = ""; # base font (is this different than the font_family property?) set free_text_text = "About this journal"; # header text for free text component set free_text = "moo"; # data to go inside free text component

# component positioning set first_position = "navigation_order"; # 1st component [navigation_order | profile_order | calendar_order | links_order | free_text_order] set second_position = "profile_order"; # 2nd component set third_position = "calendar_order"; # 3rd component set fourth_position = "links_order"; # 4th component set fifth_position = "free_text_order"; # 5th component

# toggles set color_forms = false; # not implemented yet? ... alters the colors of form elements to have colors closely related to the layout colors set comp_friends = true; # show components on friends page set comp_navbar = false; # ? set icalendar = true; # use iframe for calendar set show_entrynav_icons = true; # show linkbar on entry page set show_entrypage_userpic = true; # ? set show_links = true; # show links component set show_profile = true; # show calendar component set show_calendar = false; # show calendar component set show_entry_userpic = true; # show userpic on each recent entry set show_free_text = true; # show free text component set show_profile = true; # show profile component set use_shared_pic = false; # use community userpic set view_entry_disabled = false; # use s1 comment pages

# colors set calendar_active = "#dfdfdf"; # calendar table cell background color for days with posts set calendar_inactive = "#c8c8c8"; # calendar table cell background color for days without posts set comments_bgcolor = "#e5e5e5"; # background color for comments set comments_screened_bgcolor = "#ececec"; # background color for screened comments set comp_bgcolor = "#f4f4f4"; # background color for components set entry_bgcolor = "#ffffff"; # background color for entries set entry_fgcolor = "#6d6d6d"; # font color for entries set entry_link = "#333333"; # link color for entries set entry_link_visited = "#555555"; # visited link color for entries set header_bgcolor = "#e5e5e5"; # background color for header set header_fgcolor = "#4d4d4d"; # font color for header set inside_border = "#ffffff"; # ? set main_bgcolor = "#ffffff"; # background color for main page set outside_border = "#7f7f7f"; # ? set system_border = "#cccccc"; # ?

# nav bar labels set nav_entries_text = "[recent]"; # recent page link set nav_friends_text = "[friends]"; # friends page link set nav_calendar_text = "[calendar]"; # calendar page link set nav_info_text = "[user info]"; # userinfo page link set nav_text_back = "[previous]"; # previous entries link set nav_text_forward = "[next]"; # future entries link set profile_text = "[profile]"; # profile component header set calendar_text = "[calendar]"; # calendar component header set links_text = "[links]"; # links component header

i think all the ones below here are core properties

# skip links labels set text_day_next = "[next day]"; # next day link set text_day_prev = "[previous day]"; # previous day link set text_skiplinks_back = "[previous #]"; # previous # entries set text_skiplinks_forward = "[next #]"; # future # entries

# these seem to not be used, is this true? set text_view_archive = "[calendar]"; # ? set text_view_friends = "[friends]"; # ? set text_view_friends_comm = "[members]"; # ? set text_view_month = "[view subjects]"; # ? set text_view_recent = "[recent]"; # ? set text_view_userinfo = "[user info]"; # ?

# text for date stuff set lang_dayname_short = ["", "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"]; # short day names set lang_dayname_long = ["", "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"]; # long day names set lang_monthname_short = ["", "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"]; # short month names set lang_monthname_long = ["", "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"]; # long month names
# properties with integers as values set page_recent_items = 50; # number of entries on recent page set page_friends_items = 100; # number of entries on friends page

# meta stuff set text_meta_mood = "current mood"; # label for current mood set text_meta_music = "current music"; # label for current music

# entry comment stuff set text_post_comment = "[comment on this]"; # label for posting comments on recent page set comment_divider = "|"; # comment link seperator set text_read_comments = "[1 comment] // [# comments]"; # label for reading comments on recent page set text_post_comment_friends = "[comment on this]"; # label for posting comments on friends page set text_read_comments_friends = "[1 comment] // [# comments]"; # label for reading comments on friends page set text_reply_back = "[read comments]"; # label for reading comments set text_reply_nocomments_header = "comments disabled:"; # header for page if comments are disabled set text_reply_nocomments = "comments have been disabled for this post."; # message on page if comments are disabled

# comment label stuff set text_comment_date = "date: "; # label for date in comment header set text_comment_from = "from: "; # label for from name in comment header set text_comment_ipaddr = "ip address: "; # label for ip addy in comment header set text_comment_parent = "parent"; # label for parent comment of a comment set text_comment_thread = "thread"; # label for comment thread set text_comment_reply = "reply"; # label for replying to comment set text_permalink = "link"; # label for permalink of a comment set text_month_screened_comments = "w/ screened"; # label for an entry that has screened comments

# multiform stuff set text_multiform_btn = "perform action"; # label for perform action button on comment page set text_multiform_check = "select:"; # text next to select box in comment header set text_multiform_conf_delete = "delete selected comments?"; # ? set text_multiform_des = "mass action on selected comments:"; # label for mass action pull down menu set text_multiform_opt_delete = "delete"; # label for deletion option for mass action pull down menu set text_multiform_opt_screen = "screen"; # label for screening option for mass action pull down menu set text_multiform_opt_unscreen = "unscreen"; # label for unscreening option for mass action pull down menu

# no stuff messages set text_noentries_day = "there were no entries for this day."; # label for page if no entries on a day set text_noentries_recent = "there are no entries to display."; # label for page if no recent entries set text_nosubject = "[no subject]"; # label if entry has no subject (usually seen on month page)
added stuff from camomiletea's comment
Tags: admin: deprecated, user: kunzite1

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