kunzite (kunzite1) wrote in component_help,

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clock component

my second tutorial

some people have been wondering about the nifty clock on my lj... well... here ya go :)
some people are also wondering "what the hell would it be for?" ... well... when i load my friends page, i have one instance of it. i go away for a while or do something else at my computer and think "hey, i havent checked my friends page for a while... how old is this page? 3 hours, ok, its prolly time for a new instance of the page."
#          CLOCK COMPONENT        #
# kunzite1, component-help/179199 #
# add to print_free_text(Page p)  #
# Clock                                                                               #
# by kunzite1                                                                         #
# (adapted from lj:xevinx's post to journal script)                                   #
# USER SETTINGS                                                                       #
#                                                                                     #
# set this to your time zone difference; for positive numbers leave the plus sign out #
  var int k1Ctime_difference  = -8;
# set this to 1 if it is between spring and fall                                      #
  var int k1Cdaylight_savings = 1;
# set this to 1 if you want 24 hr time                                                #
  var int k1Cmilitary_time    = 0;
# set this to 1 if you want the date shown                                            #
  var int k1Cshow_date        = 1;
# set this to the date seperator that you wish                                        #
#   for example, a "/" or a "-"                                                       #
  var string k1Cseperator     = "/";
# set this to the header of the component                                             #
  var string k1Ctitle         = "Clock";
# DON'T need to mess with anything below
var int k1Cyear  = $p.time.year;
var int k1Cday   = $p.time.day;
var int k1Chour  = $p.time.hour + $k1Ctime_difference;
var int k1Cmin   = $p.time.min;
var int k1Cmonth = $p.time.month;
var string k1Cmeridian = "";
var string k1Cclock    = "";
  $k1Chour = $k1Chour + 1;
# figure out days in month </span>
var int k1Cmondays = 31;
if($k1Cmonth == 4 or $k1Cmonth == 6  or $k1Cmonth == 9 or $k1Cmonth == 11) {
  $k1Cmondays = 30;
} elseif($k1Cmonth == 2) {
  $k1Cmondays = ($k1Cyear % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28;
if($k1Chour > 24) {                 # if your timezone is the day after system...
    $k1Chour = $k1Chour - 24;        # figure out new hour value
    $k1Cday = $k1Cday + 1;           # make sure to change day value
  if($k1Cday > $k1Cmondays) {        # if your day is in the next month...
    $k1Cday = $k1Cday - $k1Cmondays;  # figure out the new day
    $k1Cmonth = $k1Cmonth + 1;       # change the month value
    if($k1Cmonth > 12) {            # if your month is in the next year...
      $k1Cmonth = 1;                # change the month value and
      $k1Cyear = $k1Cyear + 1;       # change the year value
} elseif($k1Chour < 0) {            # otherwise, if your day is the day before...
  $k1Chour = 24 + $k1Chour;          # change the hour and
  $k1Cday = $k1Cday - 1;             # change the day value
  if($k1Cday < 1) {                 # if that puts you in the previous month...
    $k1Cmonth = $k1Cmonth - 1;       # decrement the month value
    if($k1Cmonth < 1) {             # if that puts you in the previous year...
      $k1Cmonth = 12;               # set the new month value and
      $k1Cyear = $k1Cyear - 1;       # decrement the year value
    $k1Cmondays = 31;               # figure out how many days are in this new month
    if($k1Cmonth == 4 or $k1Cmonth == 6  or $k1Cmonth == 9 or $k1Cmonth == 11) {
      $k1Cmondays = 30;
    } elseif($k1Cmonth == 2) {
      $k1Cmondays = ($k1Cyear % 4) == 0 ? 29 : 28;
    $k1Cday = $k1Cmondays;           # and change your day value to that.
# if you dont want this to be in a component,
# comment the next line AND the print_comp_footer() down a ways
# if you wish to center the clock within a
# div or use any other html, this is the place
# make sure you close the tags down there...
# $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """<div align="center">""";
if($k1Cshow_date == 1){
  if($k1Cmonth < 10){
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """0$k1Cmonth""";
  } else {
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cmonth""";
  $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cseperator""";
  if($k1Cday < 10){
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """0$k1Cday""";
  } else {
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cday""";
  $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cseperator$k1Cyear<br />""";
if($k1Cmilitary_time == 0){
  if($k1Chour < 12){
    $k1Cmeridian = "am";
  } else {
    $k1Cmeridian = "pm";
if($k1Cmilitary_time == 1){
  if($k1Chour < 10){
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """0$k1Chour""";
  } else {
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Chour""";
} else {
  if($k1Chour > 12){
    $k1Chour = $k1Chour - 12;
  if($k1Chour == 0){
    $k1Chour = 12;
  if($k1Chour < 10){
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """0$k1Chour""";
  } else {
    $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Chour""";
$k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """:""";
if($k1Cmin < 10){
  $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """0$k1Cmin""";
} else {
  $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cmin""";
$k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """$k1Cmeridian""";
# if you used any html to alter the appearance
# of the clock, close the tags on the next line
# $k1Cclock = $k1Cclock + """</div>""";
print $k1Cclock;
# if you dont want this to be in a component,
# comment the next line AND the print_comp_header($k1Ctitle) up a ways
Tags: function: print_free_text, user: kunzite1

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