blacknyx (blacknyx) wrote in component_help,

combining two tutorials.

Could someone help me combine the custom link images, function print entry

function print_entry(Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor, bool hide_text) {


# Set Properties for Comment Images #


# The URL for your "Read Comments" Image:

     var string read_url = "";

# Do you want a specific text to come up when people mouse over the image?

# If you want the comment count to come up type "count".

# If any text to come up just leave blank

     var string read_alt="count";

# Do you want a number with the comment count right before the image?

# Type "yes" or "no".


     var string comment_num = "yes";

# The URL for the "Reply" Image:

     var string comment_url = "";


  # Print the anchor to be used in the page summary.

  if ($p.view=="friends") {

      """<a name="$e.journal.username$e.itemid"></a>""";

  } else { # for recent, day, entry pages.

      """<a name="item$e.itemid"></a>""";



  # Print the header for the entry. It prints in the default form "[<icon> ]<time> <date>" where:

  #   <icon> is the security icon (ie. lock if protected, eye if private, or none if public)

  #   <time> is in the default time format (eg: 03:46 am)

  #   <date> is bold and in the "long" format (eg: November 25th, 2003)

  # The ordering can be adjusted however needed, and you can also modify the formats that date and time print in.

  # This can all be done in the red section below. For specifications of available formats or how to construct

  #   your own formats, you can see: $*SITEROOT/doc/s2/siteapi.core1.html#siteapi.core1.dateformats

  print_entry_header((defined $e.security_icon?"$e.security_icon ":"")+$e.time->time_format()+" <b>"+$e.time->date_format("long")+"</b>");


  """<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr>""";

  # Check to see if we need to display a usericon and/or journal names, and if so, then print them

  # Cases - 1. We are viewing a friends page, so we need to display icons if they exist and journal/poster names

  #         2. We are viewing a recent/day/entry page, so we display only the icon if it exists and

  #            the user has set recent userpics on.

  # The code in red is the logic to decide whether or not to show the userpics. You can modify it as you see fit.

  if ($p.view=="friends" or ($*show_entry_userpic and defined $e.userpic) or $e.journal.journal_type=="C") {

     # Start the table that will hold the icon and/or names


     <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 8px;">

     <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center">


         <td><img src="$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0" /></td>



     # Display the icon if it exists

     if (defined $e.userpic) { """


         <td><img src="$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="2" alt="" border="0" /></td>


         # If we are on the friends view, then we want to print the extra border around the image that have the colors

         # which are custom defined. If you don't like the colors or the border on the friends view, then you can just

         # remove the blue segments. By default the recent/day/entry pages have a border around the usericons. If a user

         # has a non-rectangular image, this may look strange, so you can replace the 1 with a 0 to remove the border.


         if ($p.view=="friends") {

            """ <div style="padding-top: 3px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-color: """; print $bgcolor.as_string; """ ;" align="center">

            <img border="1" src="$e.userpic.url" width="$e.userpic.width" height="$e.userpic.height" alt="" style="border-color: """; print $fgcolor.as_string; """ ;" />

            </div> """;


            """ <td align="center" class="userpic"><img border="0" src="$e.userpic.url" width="$e.userpic.width" height="$e.userpic.height" alt="" /></td> """;




     """; }

     # Display the journal and possibly poster name if we are viewing the friends page or any page on a community

     # This code will print the journal the entry was made on, and if the poster is different, will print the poster under it.

     # I made the names centered under the image, but if you want to keep them left aligned as in the original, then

     # remove the blue segments

     if ($p.view=="friends" or $e.journal.journal_type=="C") { """


         <td><img src="$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="2" alt="" border="0" /></td>

         <td align="center" class="ljuser">$e.journal""";

         if ($e.journal.username!=$e.poster.username) {"""

           <div align="center" class="ljuser">$e.poster</div>""";

         } """







  """; }

  # Start the main entry text area

  """<td width="100%" valign="top">""";


  # If the subject is not empty, then print it followed by the line to seperate it from the entry text

  # You can modify the lines in red if you want to adjust the way your subject prints, but the other lines must remain as is.

  if ($e.subject!="") { """

        <div class="entryHeader">$e.subject</div>

        <div class="entryDash"><img src="$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0" /></div>


      <td width="1" class="medLine"><img src="" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0" /></td>



      <td width="1" class="medLine"><img src="" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0" /></td>

      <td class="entry">

  """; }

  # Print the entry text.

  # If you want the entry text to be after the mood and music, then you need to do two things:

  #  - decomment the pink lines by removing the #'s from in front of them

  #  - comment out the blue lines by putting a # in front of them

  # """ $e.text """;

  # Print Mood and/or Music Fields:

  # If we have a mood to print

  if ($e.metadata{"mood"}!="") {

    # first we need a spacer after the entry text

    # """<br/><br/>""";

    # and then we print the mood label, followed by a mood icon if one exists, followed by the mood text.

    # If you want the mood icon to be after the mood text, then you need to change the order of the two lines in red.

    """<b> $*text_meta_mood : </b>""";

    if (defined $e.mood_icon) { """ $e.mood_icon """; }

    print $e.metadata{"mood"};


     if ($e.metadata{"music"}=="") { """<br/>"""; }


  # If we have music to print

  if ($e.metadata{"music"}!="") {

    # If we didn't print a spacer because the mood was empty, then print one

    if ($e.metadata{"mood"}=="") { """<br/><br/>"""; }

    # then print the actual music label and the music

    """<b> $*text_meta_music : </b>"""; print $e.metadata{"music"};



   """ $e.text """;


  # Close off the entry text area


  # This is where the fun stuff is!

  # Now we begin the area underneath the entry that holds the comments, link, and entry related buttons.


  <table width="100%">


      <td width="50%" align="left" valign="center">

        <div class="entryComments">


# First we print the comment links if the entry allows comments

if ($e.comments.enabled) {

"""<table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "3"><tr valign = "center">""";

#First the read comments link (only if there are comments to be read)

#And any text you might have added.

if($e.comments.count > 0) {


if($comment_num == "yes") {"""$e.comments.count""";}

if($read_alt == "count"){

"""<a href="$e.permalink_url"><img src="$read_url" alt="$e.comments.count" title="$e.comments.count" border="0"></a>""";


"""<a href="$e.permalink_url"><img src="$read_url" alt="$read_alt" title="$read_alt" border="0"></a>""";



# Then the comments separator (only if there are comments to be read)

# and only if a separator is defined

if($*comment_divider != "") {"""<td>$*comment_divider</td>""";}


#Then the Reply link


"""<a href="$e.permalink_url?mode=reply"><img src="$comment_url" alt="$*text_post_comment" title="$*text_post_comment" border="0"></a>""";







      <td align="center" valign="center">""";

        # Then print a permanent link to the entry.

        # I have this because I have my journal set to display comment links with "?nc=XX" tacked onto the end,

        # and when I'm copying and pasting links, it's annoying to have there. Also, if you want a link to

        # an entry that has no comments yet, the only link that's shown by default is the reply to link, and that

        # that includes "?mode=reply" which is also annoying to have to remove.

        # Essentially this is here for convenience. If you don't want it, remove the blue segment.


<div class="entryComments"><span style="white-space:nowrap;"><b>( <a href="$e.permalink_url" class="commentLinks">$*text_permalink</a> )<b></span></div>


      <td width="50%" align="right" valign="center">""";

        # Then the entry related buttons

        """<div class="entryComments">


          # The easiest way to do this, which will work for all account types, is as follows, and will display actual buttons.

          # If you'd like text instead of buttons, then remove the following line in blue, decomment the lines in pink,

          # and edit as you see fit. Note that using the print_linkbar function will also add next and previous buttons to the

          # Entry page (with comments), and I've reflected that in the pink lines below.


          # var Link prevlink = $e->get_link("nav_prev");

          # if ($p.view=="entry" and defined $prevlink and $prevlink.url!="") { """<a href="$prevlink.url"><img border='0' width="$prevlink.icon.width" height="$prevlink.icon.height" alt="" src="$prevlink.icon.url" /></a>"""; }

          # var Link editlink = $e->get_link("edit_entry");

          # if (defined $editlink and $editlink.url!="") { """<a href="$editlink.url"><img border='0' width="$editlink.icon.width" height="$editlink.icon.height" alt="" src="$editlink.icon.url" /></a>"""; }

          # var Link memlink = $e->get_link("mem_add");

          # if (defined $memlink and $memlink.url!="") { """<a href="$memlink.url"><img border='0' width="$memlink.icon.width" height="$memlink.icon.height" alt="" src="$memlink.icon.url" /></a>"""; }

          # var Link nextlink = $e->get_link("nav_next");

          # if ($p.view=="entry" and defined $nextlink and $nextlink.url!="") { """<a href="$nextlink.url"><img border='0' width="$nextlink.icon.width" height="$nextlink.icon.height" alt="" src="$nextlink.icon.url" /></a>"""; }







  # End the entry component and put a spacer after it so that entry components are seperated.



  """ <div><img src="$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="3" height="3" alt="" border="0"></div> """;

} # end of Function print_entry

with this tutorial that puts scrollboxes on entries to prevent them from stretching too far?
I keep trying to combine them and am getting numerous errors all over the place because I'm just guessing.

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