Miss Stacy (arysani) wrote in component_help,
Miss Stacy

wow. screwed this up. any ideas?

okay, i really need help. i thought i did this all correctly, i followed the tutorials and everything...compiled the theme layer with no errors...

and yet, i come up with this.

under the cut is my theme layer as i compiled it, if that is of any help to anyone.

Layer ID#: 3475706

layerinfo "source_viewable" = 1;
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "version 1.1";

function page_layout(Page p) {
var string title = $p->title();

the kingslayer

"""; if ($*comp_state == "left") { print_my_components($p); """ """; } print_my_entries($p, $title); if ($*comp_state == "right") { """ """; print_my_components($p); } """


function print_entry(Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor, bool hide_text) { if ($p.view=="friends") { """"""; } else { # for recent, day, entry pages. """"""; }
print_entry_header((defined $e.security_icon?"$e.security_icon   ":"")+$e.time->time_format()+" "+$e.time->date_format("long_day")+""); print_system_box_top(); """"""; if ($p.view=="friends" or ($*show_entry_userpic and defined $e.userpic) or $e.journal.journal_type=="C") { """
"""; if (defined $e.userpic) { """ """; """ """; """ """; } if ($p.view=="friends" or $e.journal.journal_type=="C") { """
$e.journal"""; if ($e.journal.username!=$e.poster.username) {""" [Unknown LJ tag]

User: </a></b></a>arysani

name: %%name%%

age: 21

locale: east bumblefuck usa


add me


my entry text is gone, the icons & my main graphic (which is centered in the code) are weirdly arranged, and instead of being set up similar to that of wolfhearted (which is what i was going for), i obviously didn't do that...

and: in s1 there is a code that retrieves stuff from your userinfo page (for example) like the code "%%name%%" will retrieve whatever you entered as the name. obviously, since the actual text "%%name%%" instead of the retrieved name appears in the profile, any suggestions in that direction would be much appreciated.

thanks in advance for anyone's help! i'm desperate.

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