kunzite (kunzite1) wrote in component_help,

Component Idiot's Guide

  • read the tutorials
  • NEVER give your password to another user.
  • s1 overrides will not work in s2.
  • s2 is a programming language.
  • if you are not a programmer and not willing to learn, go away.
  • if you want your journal to look like someone else's, contact that user to see if they are willing to share their code.
  • your colors should be set in your user layer, not your stylesheet
    • the set commands go in your user layer
    • the correspoding variables go into the stylesheet
    • this will fix the corner colors for regular components
    • (corner colors for flatboxes arent variablized correctly)
  • if you have custom code in your user layer and you save changes in the wizard, it will overwrite the user layer and you will lose your customizations. this is why you put your custom code into a theme layer that you then attach to your currently active style.
  • it is always good to have a copy of your layers on your computer. if pc, use notepad or textpad. if mac, use textedit or whatever the program is. hopefully you have a pretty good undo buffer in your text editor in case you mess up your code.
    • make a change in the text editor
    • copy/paste it into the compiler
    • if errors, fix the code in your text editor
    • copy/paste, compile again
  • semicolons (;) go at the end of every command that is not a logic statement.
  • curly braces ({ and }) open and close functions. you may accidentally close a function before you mean to.
  • parentheses (( and )) can also get you in trouble.
  • a # comments out a line of code and makes the compiler ignore it. removing it will activate that line of code.
  • in order for people to be able to help you they will need to be able to view your code. the following explains how to do this.
    • put layerinfo "source_viewable" = 1; into the top of your layer(s) and compile
    • provide the layerid number(s) of your layer(s) in your post
    • provide the page in which you see the error
    • provide the s2id of the style that you see this error in
    • if the error involves something attached to an entry/comment that is friends-locked you must recreate the error in a public post or temporarily unlock the entry in question and backdate it to the year 1971.
    • if the error involves something that only the owner of the entry/comment can see you must provide a screenshot
  • if someone is going to help, they should follow these guidelines. (person a is the person with the problem and person b is the person who is helping)
    • person a provides layers to person b via layer browser
    • person a doesnt alter layers until person b completes changes
    • person b creates a new style and layers for this project
    • person b makes alterations to layers
    • person b provides link with their s2id to show a preview of person b's journal data in the new version of person a's layout.
    • if person a is happy, person b provides layers to person a via layer browser. otherwise, changes are made.
    • it is best to name the style in the following convention: username_layout (ie: kunzite1_component)
    • it is best to name the user layer in the following convention: username_layout_user1 (ie: kunzite1_component_user1)
    • it is best to name the theme layer in the following convention: username_layout_customizations (ie: kunzite1_component_customizations)
    • this keeps the layers straight
  • you will encounter errors.
  • some errors will be hard to fix.
  • you need to learn how to speak s2 in order to get anywhere.
  • whining will not be tolerated.
  • you will be ignored if you are not willing to learn, be patient and cooperate.
  • there are many things that can and cannot do with s2 due to the limitations of s2 and livejournal.
  • s2 is hard. deal with it.
Tags: user: kunzite1

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