But what I don't like is how it makes all the images semi transparent, I've been messing around w/ it for a while now and I think I've found something. but I have NO clue how to go about doing what it is i'm trying to do.
If you look at my journal my "favorite" components have imags of DVD's, books, music ect. Well they are not at all transparent.
I think this is because they are in a table, being that it's nested in the table the style elements don't apply to it....I tried just putting my images in a table in the actual entery but that didn't work
SO what I would like to do is put table in my entries through the S2 theme for my journal basicly every entery will be in a table but I'm at a compleate loss at what to do
I looked at the editing entries post and was very confused so if someone could simply explain how I would go about doing this so I can test my theroy it would be appreacated.