Alli (ikilledkenny) wrote in component_help,

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Please Help!!!

I'm sorry if I seem like an ass becuase I already asked for help with this a few weeks ago and noone helped me. I know all of you are busy but my paid account is up soon an I'd really like to be able to put the Freefind search in my journal, but it's not working for me. It's giving me the the "MonthPage::print()" error and it says to fix that, that you have to put this thing in:
But I have no idea how to do that. It's giving me a couple other errors too.

I'm brand new to the whole s2 thing, so if anyone could help me I'd really really really appreciate it. I decided this time to put my whole Additional Customization layer code in this post so anyone who is willing to help me could take a look at it and maybe see what I have wrong. This is my whole code, not only the Freefind search code, just incase the code might be interfering with another code I have or something. (I hope it's ok that I post my whole code. If not, sorry!)
Thank you so much!!

My Codes:

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "Additional Customizations";

# Marquee component #
# Tutorialized by kunzite1 #
# Inspirialized by bring_me_sugar #
# This is the title of the component #
function print_free_text(Page p){var string k1Mtitle = "About Me";
# This is the height of the marquee #
var string k1Mheight = "250";
# This is the width of the marquee #
var string k1Mwidth = "";
# This is the css class to attach to the marquee #
var string k1Mclass = "marquee";
# This is the direction of the marquee #
var string k1Mdirection = "up";
# This is the speed of the marquee #
var int k1Mscrollamount = 2;

var string k1MmarqueeBegin = "
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<marquee";>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<lj-cut text="Problem - Please Help Me!">I'm sorry if I seem like an ass becuase I already asked for help with this a few weeks ago and noone helped me. I know all of you are busy but my paid account is up soon an I'd really like to be able to put the Freefind search in my journal, but it's not working for me. It's giving me the the "MonthPage::print()" error and it says to fix that, that you have to put this thing in:
But I have no idea how to do that. It's giving me a couple other errors too.

I'm brand new to the whole s2 thing, so if anyone could help me I'd really really really appreciate it. I decided this time to put my whole Additional Customization layer code in this post so anyone who is willing to help me could take a look at it and maybe see what I have wrong. This is my whole code, not only the Freefind search code, just incase the code might be interfering with another code I have or something. (I hope it's ok that I post my whole code. If not, sorry!)
Thank you so much!!

My Codes:

layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "Additional Customizations";

# Marquee component #
# Tutorialized by kunzite1 #
# Inspirialized by bring_me_sugar #
# This is the title of the component #
function print_free_text(Page p){var string k1Mtitle = "About Me";
# This is the height of the marquee #
var string k1Mheight = "250";
# This is the width of the marquee #
var string k1Mwidth = "";
# This is the css class to attach to the marquee #
var string k1Mclass = "marquee";
# This is the direction of the marquee #
var string k1Mdirection = "up";
# This is the speed of the marquee #
var int k1Mscrollamount = 2;

var string k1MmarqueeBegin = "<marquee";
var string k1MmarqueeEnd = "</marquee>";

var string k1MscrollamountString = $k1Mscrollamount + "";
if($k1Mheight != ""){
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + " height='$k1Mheight'";
if($k1Mwidth != ""){
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + " width='$k1Mwidth'";
if($k1Mclass != ""){
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + " class='$k1Mclass'";
if($k1Mdirection != ""){
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + " direction='$k1Mdirection'";
if($k1MscrollamountString != ""){
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + " scrollamount='$k1MscrollamountString'";
$k1MmarqueeBegin = $k1MmarqueeBegin + ">";

<br />
Allison (Alli)
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Miami, Florida
<br />
<br />
<b>Eye Color</b>
<br />
Dark Green
<br />
<br />
<b>Hair Color</b>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<b>Fav Color</b>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<b>Fav Shows</b>
<br />
Desperate Housewives
<br />
<br />
American Idol
<br />
<br />
<br />
Writing Poetry
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />

print_comp_header("Contact Me");
"""<center><a href=""><img alt="E-Mail" img src="" border="0"></a> E-Mail<br>
<a href="aim:goim?screenname=s1nfully1nn0cent;message=Hi!+:-D"><img alt="AIM" src="" border="0"></a> AIM<br>
<a href=""><img alt="Yahoo!" src="" border="0"></a> Yahoo! Messenger<br>
<a href=""><img alt="Cell" src="" border="0"></a> Text Me<br></center></p>""";

function MonthPage::print() {
var int s2id = 6223337; # change this to your s2id

# set these to a month and date for when you want to stop indexing
# you would also need to decomment the below pink lines
# var int month = 7;
# var int year = 2002;
if ($.args{"searchstart"} == "true" or $.args{"searchseed"} == "true") {
# search mode
"""<html><head><title>FreeFind Search Seed</title></head><body>""";
if ($.args{"searchstart"} == "true") {
# searchstart mode
var YearMonth latestMonth = $this->get_latest_month();
"""<a href="$latestMonth.url?.searchseed=true">$latestMonth.url""" + """?.searchseed=true</a>""";
# end searchstart mode
} else {
# searchseed mode
var MonthEntryInfo index;
var MonthDay dayindex;
foreach $dayindex (reverse $.days) {
# if($ >= $year){
# if($ >= $month or $ > $year){
var Entry entryindex;
foreach $entryindex (reverse $dayindex.entries) {
print """<a href="$entryindex.permalink_url?s2id=$s2id">$entryindex.permalink_url?s2id=$s2id</a><br />""";
# }
# }
print """<a href="$.prev_url?.searchseed=true">$.prev_url?.searchseed=true</a><br />""";
# end searchseed mode
# end search mode
} else {
# normal
# end normal

print_comp_header("Contact Me"); {
"""<form action="" method="get" target="_self">
<font size=1 face="arial,helvetica" >
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="$46977513" />
<input type="hidden" name="pageid" value="r" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="all" />
<input type="hidden" name="n" value="0" />
<input type="text" name="query" size="15" /><small>
<input type="submit" value=" find " /><br />
</small>powered by <a href="">


If anyone wants to help me one-on-one, my AIM s/n is: s1nfully1nn0cent. Thank again!

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