Strong Enough To Break (rufusthetoaster) wrote in component_help,
Strong Enough To Break

  • Mood:


this community is awesome and i hope you can help me! im new in S2 and the paid lj world so im sorry if im doing this wrong! i have read through the tutorials and they helped a lot! i tried the shrinking and centering tutorial and i know you have to edit it but i tried and nothing happened. i want my journal to look something like or with the entries in the center, not taking up the whole page, and the header banner in the center over the entries. i cant figure out how to do this!! im sure i sound stupid :p let me know if you need to see my codes


layerinfo "type" = "user";

set comp_navbar = true;

set entry_fgcolor = "#cf3ab8";

set show_entry_userpic = true;

set header_fgcolor = "#51c7cf";

set show_free_text = true;

function print_free_text(Page p) {

print_comp_header("Friends Only");


<font face="Script MT Bold" font color=#3333CC> My journal is friends only. You can email me, IM me, or comment if you want to be my friend, and i will probably add you :) </font>


<center><IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC=""> </center>






<font face="Script MT Bold" font color=#3333CC>

<U>Basics:</U> Dara 20 Baltimore in college






Gilmore Girls




chuck taylors

vintage clothes



print_comp_header ("Lyrics");


<font face="Script MT Bold" font color=#3333CC>clever lives end up rusty and forgotten

brilliant minds end up with Alzheimer's

what I thought was so deep ended up so hollow

and what I thought had meaning ended up so shallow


standing on top of the edge it feels like it's going down

everything stays in my mind feeling in a daze on the ground

feels like it's gonna give life's too hard to live anymore

I think I've had enough things too tough

I'm out the door</font>




function CommentInfo::print() {

    if (not $.enabled) { return; }

    if ($.count > 0 or $.screened) {


        """ <img src="" /> """;




function page_layout(Page p) {

  var string title = $p->title();




<link rel="stylesheet" href="$p.stylesheet_url" type="text/css"/>


"""; $p->print_custom_head(); """




<table width="100%" height="x" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="center">

<tr valign="center" width="100%">

  <td ><img src="" width="700" height=400" alt="" border="0"></td >

  <td >

   <table width="100%" height="x" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top" background="">

    <tr valign="center" width="100%">

     <td > </td>





   <img src="" width=250" height="400" alt="" border="0">





<img src="" width="1" height="3" alt="" border="0">


<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">

<tr valign="top" width="100%">

  <td width="3">

   <img src="" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0">



   if ($*comp_state == "left") {



  <td width="3">

   <img src="" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0">




   print_my_entries($p, $title);

   if ($*comp_state == "right") {


  <td width="3">

   <img src="" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0">






  <td width="3">

   <img src="" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0">








function print_my_entries(Page p, string title) {

# Start the column for the body. Do not delete this line.

    """<td valign="top" width="100%">""";





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