Tara (ainabarad) wrote in component_help,

Corner Colors Problem

This worked perfectly before, but I tried to use the layout of my LJ on a community layout and when I clicked to compile it had a problem with the address of the image for the corner colors. It works fine on my personal LJ, so why not the community LJ I'm trying to use it on (eclecticicons)?

Here is the error it's giving me:

Compile error: line 679, column 25: Unknown local variable $corner_color
S2::NodeVarRef, S2/NodeVarRef.pm, 178
S2::NodeVarRef, S2/NodeVarRef.pm, 151
S2::NodeTerm, S2/NodeTerm.pm, 162
S2::NodeTerm, S2/NodeTerm.pm, 66
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 65
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeSum, S2/NodeSum.pm, 64
S2::NodeTerm, S2/NodeTerm.pm, 76
S2::NodeTerm, S2/NodeTerm.pm, 66
S2::NodeExpr, S2/NodeExpr.pm, 46
S2::NodePrintStmt, S2/NodePrintStmt.pm, 55
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/NodeStmtBlock.pm, 101
S2::NodeFunction, S2/NodeFunction.pm, 230
S2::Checker, S2/Checker.pm, 339
S2::Compiler, S2/Compiler.pm, 34

Here is the section of code it's referring to:

678: <tr>
679: <td valign="top" rowspan="3" colspan="3" width="5"><img src="http://www.livejournal.com/palimg/component/curve-top-left.gif$corner_color" width="5" height="5" alt="" border="0" /></td>
680: <td class="dkLine"><img src="http://www.livejournal.com/palimg/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0" /></td>

NOTE: Line 679 is red.

Is anyone else having this problem? How can I fix it?

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