nothing is working for me X| I thought I could copy and paste just to see how it would look before doing my own editing.
Compile error: line 134, column 10: Unexpected token found. Expecting: [TokenPunct] = (
Got: [TokenIdent] = name
S2::Node, S2/, 139
S2::NodeArguments, S2/, 25
S2::NodeTerm, S2/, 450
S2::NodeIncExpr, S2/, 41
S2::NodeUnaryExpr, S2/, 40
S2::NodeProduct, S2/, 28
S2::NodeSum, S2/, 31
S2::NodeRelExpr, S2/, 41
S2::NodeEqExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeLogAndExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeLogOrExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeRange, S2/, 29
S2::NodeCondExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeAssignExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodeExpr, S2/, 29
S2::NodePrintStmt, S2/, 48
S2::NodeStmt, S2/, 35
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/, 42
S2::NodeFunction, S2/, 104
S2::Layer, S2/, 58
S2::Compiler, S2/, 27
133: if ($p.view=="friends") {
134: """""";
135: } else { # for recent, day, entry pages.
136: """""";
137: }
I thought htat maybe if I erase that just part to see if everything would work it didn'y instead another error came out that there is a error in
print_entry_header((defined $e.security_icon?"$e.security_icon ":"")+$e.time->time_format()+" "+$e.time->date_format("long")+"");
I really have no idea what I am doing wrong.