####################################### # CORE::PAGE::PRINT_CUSTOM_HEAD START # ####################################### function Page::print_custom_head() { var string palimg = $*header_bgcolor.as_string->substr(1,6); var Color ltLineColor = $*header_bgcolor->lighter(30); var string ltLineString = $ltLineColor.as_string; var string medLineString = $*header_bgcolor.as_string; var Color dkLineColor = $*header_bgcolor->darker(50); var string dkLineString = $dkLineColor.as_string; """ <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: $*main_bgcolor; /* background color of page */ background-repeat: repeat; /* if background image, make it repeat vertically and horizontally */ background-position: center; /* if background image, make it start in center */ background-attachment: scroll; /* if background image, make it scroll when scrollbars used */ background-image: url("$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/top-bg.gif/pt$palimg"); /* url for background image */ margin-top: 0px; /* top margin, in pixels */ margin-left: 0px; /* left margin, in pixels */ margin-right: 0px; /* right margin, in pixels */ font-family: $*font_family; /* font for body text */ font-size: 11px; /* font size for body text */ color: $*entry_fgcolor; /* color for body text */ } td, tr { font-family: $*font_family; /* font for tables */ font-size: 11px; /* font size for tables, in pixels */ color: $*entry_fgcolor; /* font color for tables */ line-height: 20px; /* text line-height for tables, in pixels */ } h1, h2, h3, h4 { line-height: normal; /* "normal" line-height for preset headers 1-4 */ } a { color: $*entry_link; /* link color */ text-decoration:none; /* link text-decoration [none, underline, overline, etc] */ } a:hover { color: $*entry_link; /* hover link color */ text-decoration:underline; /* hover link text-decoration */ } a:visited { color: $*entry_link_visited; /* visited link color */ } a.calendarLink { color: $*calendar_link; /* calendar link color, "active days" (days with posts) */ } a.header { color: $*header_link; /* header font color */ } a.headerLinks { color: $*header_link; /* header link color */ } select, input, textarea { font-family: $*font_family; /* font for select boxes, input fields, and textareas */ font-size: 11px; /* font size, in pixels */ background-color: $*comp_bgcolor; /* background color */ color: $*comp_fgcolor; /* font color */ } input { line-height: normal; } /* "normal" line-height for input fields */ .subject { font-weight: bold; } /* ? */ .small { margin-top: 3px;} /* ? */ .header { background-image: url("$*SITEROOT/palimg/component/top-bg.gif/pt$palimg"); /* background image for header */ background-repeat: repeat-x; /* repeat background image horizontally */ height: 25px; /* ? */ } .userTitle { font-size: 16px; /* journal title font size */ font-weight: bold; /* journal title font-weight [bold, normal] */ color: $*header_fgcolor; /* journal title font color */ line-height: 17px; /* journal title line-height, in pixels */ } .userSubTitle { font-size: 12px; /* journal subtitle font size */ color: $*header_fgcolor_lt; /* journal subtitle font color */ } .header-item { padding-left: 15px; /* left margin for top header row (recent, friends, calendar, userinfo, etc), in pixels */ position: relative; /* effectively places same spacing between each item */ top: 5px; /* top margin, in pixels */ } .dkLine { background-color: $dkLineString; } /* misc borders (dark) */ .medLine { background-color: $medLineString; } /* misc borders (medium) */ .ltLine { background-color: $ltLineString; } /* misc borders (light) */ hr { color : $medLineString; } /* horizontal rule color */ .divLine { background-color: $*header_fgcolor; } /* misc lines */ .tabBg { background-color: $*header_bgcolor; } /* table background color */ .entryDate { font-size: 11px; /* entry date font size, in pixels */ color: $*header_fgcolor_lt; /* entry date font color */ } .entryHolderBg { background-color: $*comp_bgcolor; /* entry holder (holds userpic and entry text holder) background color */ color: $*comp_fgcolor; /* entry holder font color */ padding-top: 7px; /* top margin, in pixels */ padding-right: 7px; /* right margin, in pixels */ padding-left: 7px; /* left margin, in pixels */ padding-bottom: 7px; /* bottom margin, in pixels */ } .entry { padding-top: 7px; /* entry (entry text area) top margin, in pixels */ padding-right: 7px; /* right margin, in pixels */ padding-left: 7px; /* left margin, in pixels */ padding-bottom: 7px; /* bottom margin, in pixels */ background-color: $*entry_bgcolor; /* entry background color */ font-size: 11px; /* entry font size */ } .entryHeader { font-size: 12px; /* entry header (subject) font size */ font-weight: bold; /* entry header font-weight */ } .entryComments { margin-top: 8px; /* comments top margin, in pixels */ margin-left: 8px; /* left margin, in pixels */ font-size: 11px; /* font size, in pixels */ color: $*comp_fgcolor; /* font color */ } .entryDash { background-color: $medLineString; /* line surrounding entry */ width: 100%; /* ? */ height: 1px; /* height of line, in pixels */ } .sideHeader { color: $*header_fgcolor; /* component header color */ } .comp { margin-bottom: 3px; } /* ? */ .compBg { background-color: $*comp_bgcolor; } /* component background color */ .compContent { padding-left: 6px; /* component left margin, in pixels */ padding-right: 6px; /* right margin, in pixels */ padding-bottom: 6px; /* bottom margin, in pixels */ padding-top: 3px; /* top margin, in pixels */ line-height: 18px; /* line-height, in pixels */ color: $*comp_fgcolor; /* font color */ } .compList { padding-left: 6px; /* ? */ } .userPic { border-color: $dkLineString; } /* userpic border color */ .shortLine { width: 20px; /* shortline (lines next to userpic in profile component) width, in pixels */ background-color: $dkLineString; /* background color */ margin-bottom: 1px; /* bottom margin, in pixels */ } a.calendartitle { font-size: 11px; /* ? */ } .calendarInactive { background-color: $*calendar_inactive; /* "inactive" calendar days (days without posts) background color */ font-size: 11px; /* font size, in pixels */ letter-spacing: 2px; /* letter-spacing, in pixels */ color: $*calendar_fgcolor; /* font color */ } .calendarActive { color: $*calendar_link; /* "active" calendar days (days with posts) font color */ background-color: $*calendar_active; /* background color */ font-size: 11px; /* font size, in pixels */ letter-spacing: 2px; /* letter-spacing, in pixels */ } </style> """; } ##################################### # CORE::PAGE::PRINT_CUSTOM_HEAD END # #####################################
stylesheet with *labeled* properties
Custumizing the new spam button in the comment link bar
Hi everyone. LJ recently added a "spam" button in the comment linkbar. I use a tutorial to display my own images instead of the standard LJ buttons,…
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Hello everyone! I hope that someone with a better understanding of coding tables might be able to help me out here. I'm using a component layout…
HOWTO: Fixing the Display of Mood Theme Images
UPDATE: As of Release #68 on August 10th, 2010, this problem has been resolved and should no longer affect users using non-custom (i.e.…
- Post a new comment
- Post a new comment
Custumizing the new spam button in the comment link bar
Hi everyone. LJ recently added a "spam" button in the comment linkbar. I use a tutorial to display my own images instead of the standard LJ buttons,…
Wanted: navigation bar square at the top, but with rounded corners at the bottom
Hello everyone! I hope that someone with a better understanding of coding tables might be able to help me out here. I'm using a component layout…
HOWTO: Fixing the Display of Mood Theme Images
UPDATE: As of Release #68 on August 10th, 2010, this problem has been resolved and should no longer affect users using non-custom (i.e.…