Compile error: line 50, column 23: Didn't find closing brace in statement block
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/, 51
S2::NodeIfStmt, S2/, 35
S2::NodeStmt, S2/, 38
S2::NodeStmtBlock, S2/, 42
S2::NodeFunction, S2/, 104
S2::Layer, S2/, 58
S2::Compiler, S2/, 27
46: # Pick one of the quotes randomly.
47: var int randquote;
48: $randquote = rand(0, ((size $quotes) - 1));
50: if ($all_rounded) {
51: """
52: <tr>
53: <td valign="top" rowspan="3" colspan="3" width="5">

54: <td class="">