kunzite (kunzite1) wrote in component_help,

[theme] - [component] - [shrinking and siding]

# kunzite1, component-help/890522 #
# overrides page_layout(Page p)   #
function page_layout(Page p) {
  # Set this to the width that you want both the navbar (if it exists) and the whole journal to be
  # may be percentage (70%) or number of pixels (700px).
  var string k1Swidth      = "70%";
  var string k1Sheader_url = ""; # optional header image url
  var string k1Sheader_alt = ""; # optional header image alt text
  var string k1Salign      = "right"; # layout alignment

  # Start the html document and print the head section which controls the page title, stylesheet information,
  # server supplied head content, and custom header information from the print_custom_head function.
  var string title = $p->title();
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="$p.stylesheet_url" type="text/css"/>
  # Start the body section of the html document which controls the visible parts of the page.
  """<body style="text-align:center;">""";

  if($k1Sheader_url != "") {
    """<div align="center"><img src="$k1Sheader_url" alt="$k1Sheader_alt" title="$k1Sheader_alt" /></div>""";

  if($k1Swidth != "") {
    """<table align="$k1Salign" style="border: 0px; padding: 0px; width:$k1Swidth;"><tr><td>""";

  # Print the navigation bar if it is needed. This can be incorporated into any other tutorials which override
  # the page_layout() function, and should be placed immediately after the <body> tag above.
  if (not $*comp_navbar or $*comp_state=="none") {
    """    <div class="header">""";
    var string[] views_order = ["recent", "friends", "archive", "userinfo"]; # view order
                                                                             # "recent"   = recent   view
                                                                             # "friends"  = friends  view
                                                                             # "archive"  = calendar view
                                                                             # "userinfo" = userinfo link
    var string{} view_text   = { # build text hash
                                "recent"   => $*nav_entries_text,
                                "friends"  => $p.journal_type != "C" ? $*nav_friends_text : $*text_view_friends_comm,
                                "archive"  => $*nav_calendar_text,
                                "userinfo" => $*nav_info_text
    var string   base_url    = $p.journal->base_url(); # get base url
    var string{} view_url    = { # build url hash
                                "recent"   => "$base_url/",
                                "friends"  => "$base_url/friends/",
                                "archive"  => "$base_url/calendar/",
                                "userinfo" => "$*SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$p.journal.username&mode=full"
    foreach var string v ($views_order) {
      print """<span class="header-item"><a href="$view_url{$v}" class="headerLinks">$view_text{$v}</a></span>""";

# to add your own links you can use these as a templates
#    print """<span class="header-item"><a href="$*SITEROOT/tools/memories.bml?user=$p.journal.username" class="headerLinks">memories</a></span>""";
#    print """<span class="header-item"><a href="http://www.yahoo.com/" class="headerLinks">yahoo!</a></span>""";

    if ($p.journal.website_url != "") {
        print "<span class=\"header-item\"><a href=\"$p.journal.website_url\" class=\"headerLinks\">$p.journal.website_name</a></span>";
    $p->lay_viewspec_nav();  # prints previous / next links including arrow images

  # Print a spacer at the top of the page above the components and main area.
  """<div><img src="$*PALIMGROOT/component/clear.gif" width="1" height="3" alt="" border="0" /></div>""";

  # Start the table which lays out the components and main area in side-by-side layout
  <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">
    <tr valign="top" width="100%">
      <td width="3">
        <img src="$*PALIMGROOT/component/clear.gif" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0" />
  # If the components are supposed to be on the left side of the page, then print them, followed by a column
  # with a spacer which is to seperate the components and the main area.
  if ($*comp_state == "left") {
    <td width="3">
      <img src="$*PALIMGROOT/component/clear.gif" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0" />

  # Print the main area of the page.
  print_my_entries($p, $title);

  # If the components are supposed to be on the right side of the page, then first print a column with a spacer 
  # and then print the components after the spacer. 
  if ($*comp_state == "right") {
    <td width="3">
      <img src="$*PALIMGROOT/component/clear.gif" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0" />

  # Finish off the table for the body
      <td width="3">
        <img src="$*PALIMGROOT/component/clear.gif" width="3" height="1" alt="" border="0" />

  if($k1Swidth != "") {

  # End the body section and end the html document
Tags: admin: deprecated, user: kunzite1

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