Please visit the new version here.
On the customize page, at the bottom there is a link to the advanced customization area. Click that.
At the bottom of advanced customizations click the link to Your Layers.
At the bottom, under "Create layout-specific layer" select 'Theme' for type and 'Component' for layout and then click "Create". That should add a new option to the page. It will have an ID number, say "Theme" for type, and "(none)" for name. Click 'edit' next to that.
The page you are at now is where you will make *all* of your customizations, adding in any code from any of the tutorials.
But first, let's name your theme. You should see this:
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "";
It is best to name the theme layer in the following convention: username_layout_customizations (e.g.: kunzite1_component_customizations).The name goes in between
by layerinfo "name"
.Using my example, it should look like:
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "kunzite1_component_customizations";
Then continue on to Step 2 of our 5-step program.Original text by
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